How Deepak Chopra Can Help Your Anxiety
Are you someone who has anxiety because of so much difficulty in the world that you can’t do anything about? Do you feel that the world is pressing in on you and barely gives you enough space to breathe? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then I urge you to read on.
Deepak Chopra and the Struggle With Anxiety
We are currently in a time when anxiety and other mental health challenges can be considered to be at all time highs. Our scientific community has concluded that our environment is under siege like no other time in our recorded history. The struggles between different cultures within and outside of our borders are a source of major interpersonal, internal, and international strife. It would seem that there is literally no way to escape the trap of never ending stress and anxiety that we are caught in. Deepak Chopra helps us to break out of this trap by or in his latest book Quantum Body.
Deepak Chopra and the Quantum Body Revelations
Quantum Body is a concept that Deepak Chopra uses to talk about an aspect of your own body that is invisible to the eye, and currently escapes scientific scrutiny. He talks about how this invisible and unseen body is what you need to focus on for optimum health and well-being, as well as how it is the source of where disease begins and ends. He also helps you to understand how this quantum body relates to the universe, the Cosmos, God, and whatever you might understand to be a higher power. Basically the whole of existence is laid bare while also pointing to how the fundamental mystery of life and existence are the foundation for all we think of as the material world and universe. It is ultimately very empowering, especially for someone who struggles with a basic insecurity that often goes with anxiety at its core. It is also very validating for those who know about the mind-body connection.
How Deepak Chopra Can Help Your Anxiety
In Quantum Body, Deepak Chopra talks about several very important ways to cope with, and address, anxiety and mental health struggles of many types. He describes a form of deep breathing that is very good at calming your vagus nerve, which happens to be the longest nerve in your body. This is one critical coping skill for stress and anxiety of all types. He also talks about the importance of stress and sleep in achieving optimum health and wellness. He also introduces a mindfulness exercise that can be very important for being able to overcome unhealthy habits, such as OCD behaviors like compulsive checking, and other rituals.
What Deepak Chopra Brings to Helping Your Life in General
Much of what Deepak Chopra focuses on in the book has to do with how you experience the world, and that this experience is key to the basic reality that you experience also. He suggests that focusing on our basic existence, and life in general, is a primary key to your individual and collective recovery from whatever it is you’re struggling with. He also very strongly encourages people to focus on their awareness that cuts through the topsy-turvy everyday reality that we all experience as “the world.“ He suggests that behind all of this chaos and busyness is a stillness and a calm and an inflection point for our own enduring existence. This is something that is very comforting, much like his meditation on anxiety itself, that he posted on YouTube several years ago. There is much else that has to do with the quantum field for you if you are a geeky science person, but it all serves to drive home some relatively basic points.
Struggling to Get a Handle on Anxiety Even with Chopra’s Help?
Sometimes anxiety can have roots in trauma and other negative life events, and require more in-depth intervention than doing deep breathing or meditating. I’ve been helping my clients to overcome the effects of anxiety and other forms of mental illness my entire social work career. I encourage you to fill out the form at the bottom of the page or call the number at the top of the page if you live in Maryland or Texas, and I can get back to you for a free 20 minute phone consult to help give you a better idea of whether I can help you with your experience of anxiety. Whether it’s Deepak Chopra helping you or me, I certainly wish you all the best in recovering from whatever anxious life experiences you may suffer from.
Click here to learn more about how Scott can help you with anxiety.
About the author: Scott Kampschaefer, LCSW is a private practice therapist in Frederick, Maryland. He has an extensive background in working with depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder at a clinic for older adults with these disorders in Austin, Texas. He now works with adults and adolescents 14 and up in private practice. His most recent book is titled The 5 Pillars of Addiction Recovery and is available for purchase on Amazon and in paperback on this website.