Do you feel anxious about the election season, and all the possible tumultuousness that goes with it? Do you have fear about being scrutinized by one side or another because of your political inclinations? Well welcome to the crowd, and this week's blog is for you.
Political Polarization Is At An All-Time High
Never before in our lifetime has the climate of political polarization been as bad as it is now. Once upon a time, people of different political persuasions could argue their points freely in restaurants, coffee shops, and the general public square. Now it seems that there is no room for public discourse about this because tensions have become so high and the animus between the two major political parties is so extreme.
What are the Reasons for Political Polarization Nowadays?
The reasons for things being the way they are politically have been going on for many years now, but they have only in the last 10 to 15 years gone to a fever pitch. It doesn’t help that we only have two major political parties and wind up with binary choices for most or all of our elections. The recent years since the Covid pandemic broke out have exacerbated isolation and fear amongst the public, but some in our political establishment have sought to sow division in the public going back at least 25 years. They have exploited the fear of others, particularly those who don’t agree with their political viewpoints. The ensuing demonization of the other side doesn’t help either.
What You Can Do About Political Polarization
Here are some of the best ways to cope:
Look at limiting your intake of news and media to help decrease your anxiety level. You are in control of how much news and information you take in, and probably find out most of what you need to know from your family and close friends. Further plunging into more polarizing information can only make things worse.
The second thing is to understand that our society is not necessarily as divided as the corporate media would have you believe. There is widespread agreement on many issues that both political parties have opposing viewpoints on, regardless of all of the amplification of our society being so “divided.“ Even in situations where people don’t agree on the issues, there is bound to be as much or more widespread agreement about the values that people have, which are not equivalent to political views that are more about strategy than values.
Translate your anxiety into positive action. Becoming involved in helping people register to vote, encouraging others to vote through various means, and making sure that you vote your conscience are some of the best ways to counter political polarization.
What if You Continue to Suffer from Political Polarization?
While the steps above can help in alleviating much of the anxiety that can accompany political polarization, there may still be a lot of anxiety that you suffer from. I’ve been helping my clients to overcome the effects of anxiety for my entire social work career, and I would be happy to talk to you to give you a better idea about whether I could help you with yours. Just fill out the form below or call the number at the top of the page and I’d be happy to give you a 20 minute free phone consult so you can get a better idea about whether I can help you with your own experience of anxiety related to electstress. It’s so important that she be able to face the future with courage and confidence, so don’t let election anxiety pull you down.
Visit our page on anxiety therapy to learn more about how Scott can help you overcome political polarization.
About the author: Scott Kampschaefer, LCSW is a private practice therapist in Frederick, Maryland. He has an extensive background in working with depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder at a clinic for older adults with these disorders in Austin, Texas. He now works with adults and adolescents 14 and up in private practice. His most recent book is titled The 5 Pillars of Addiction Recovery and is available for purchase on Amazon and in paperback on this website