Anxiety Therapy
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Are You Tired of Being Afraid and Anxious All the Time?
Are you worried about your life, what to do with it, what you will do tomorrow? Are you worried about your family, worried about your future, finances, work? Intense worry, anxiety, or fear can be incapacitating in some respects and impairs your ability to function normally day to day. You want to be yourself without feeling any of the fear and anxiety, perhaps the person you were before you became so anxious and fearful. If I could just lose the fear and anxiety, you may think. Do you spend your days gripped with fear and anxiety, sometime confined in your home afraid of going out? You may also have a lot of specific behaviors that you think keep you ‘safe,’ never varying from them for fear of something bad happening to you if you don’t. You don’t take risks for fear of the outcomes.
Anxiety is More Common Than You May Think
Anxiety is one of the most common emotions and mental illnesses. It is becoming almost pervasive part of modern life, in some respects. The National Institute on Mental Health estimates that 18% of the population suffers from some form of anxiety disorder, and these are only the ones that are diagnosed with it. There are uncounted numbers of sufferers who aren’t being diagnosed or treated, either.
Anxiety can be inherited, and can be learned behavior. If you had anxious parents, you might tend to have anxiety symptoms as well. Anxiety can also be a response to traumatic experiences growing up, which might have made someone more cautious and worried. It can also be a response to high levels of stress, which might make one anxious at the sheer amount of it. Anxiety is very treatable, however; and anxiety treatment is very practical in helping people to decrease their overall level of anxiety by use of specific relaxation and mindfulness exercises.
Anxiety Therapy Can Significantly Reduce Your Anxiety
Anxiety therapy can be very effective in helping you develop coping skills for anxiety, as well as in addressing the root cause of anxiety. Relaxation techniques can be very helpful in alleviating anxiety, as well as mindfulness skills that can be taught in therapy to help with stress management and stress relief. Certain modes of therapy, such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Image Transformation Therapy (ImTT), and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), can be very helpful in addressing both the causes and symptoms of anxiety.
You can expect to learn relaxation techniques that can help you better manage symptoms of anxiety, as well as get help in alleviating the root causes of anxiety and getting stress relief. This will help you to live a fuller and freer life. I offer techniques and strategies that are very tangible and easy to use that show you how to relieve stress. They are very user-friendly, and the modality I use to treat the underlying causes of your anxiety will be one that ideally will be best suited to the treatment goals we agree on as part of a collaborative team. Nothing happens without you being a willing participant in what happens in therapy. I have been working with clients on this issue for my entire social work career, both in individual and group therapy settings.
There is hope for you in getting anxiety help, as I will help you equip yourself with an assortment of coping skills and experiences in anxiety therapy that will help you spend significantly less energy on anxiety, and more on living your life to the fullest!
I have trained in using Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), as well as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), EMDR, and ImTT; which all have a great ability to alleviate anxiety and treat GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), as well as treating panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and social anxiety. They can work together or alone to help meet your particular needs to reduce and/or alleviate your anxiety.
I myself am no stranger to anxiety myself, and have had to master certain techniques in addressing my own anxiety issues. It’s a job requirement for me.
Common Objections to Anxiety Therapy:
Objection #1: If I treat the anxiety, that might make it worse, and I don’t want it to get any worse.
There’s nothing about treating your anxiety by way of anxiety therapy that will make it worse. On the contrary, by focusing on ways to alleviate your anxiety and by getting help and support from others, you actually help to reduce it. Living in isolation and struggling on your own is part of what may have made your problem as bad as it is now, and that’s not good.
Objection #2: Can’t I just use medication, after all taking a benzodiazepine is quick and easy?
Medication alone can never be the answer to anxiety. There is always a part that your thinking and behavior plays in making anxiety as bad as it is, and just taking a pill makes you dependent on medication. That creates problems of its own.
Objection #3: How can talking about my anxiety can’t make it better?
It’s not just talking about it that makes things better, it’s getting support for reducing it, as well as getting feedback on the anxiety and the thinking that contributes to it that helps. It’s also coping skills you can learn that can make it better, as well as using particular treatment methods that helps the anxiety.
The Proof That I Can Help With Your Anxiety
I have worked with well over one hundred individuals in both group and individual settings whose anxiety level has been significantly reduced by the anxiety therapy methods I outlined above. My approach in general tends to have a calming effect on those I work with, and I trust it will with you as well.
What to Look for to Determine if You Have a Problem With Anxiety:
Do you spend much of your day engaged in worrying about one or more situations in your life?
Do you have physical symptoms such as butterflies in your stomach, tight muscles, or rashes that aren’t directly related to a physical cause?
Do you wake up anxious for no reason?
Do you tend to become paralyzed with inaction due to your anxiety or nervousness?
Do you have problems sleeping because of worry or anxiety?
If you answered yes to most or all of these questions, I may be able to help you in overcoming anxiety. You can give me a call to schedule an appointment, or fill out the form below to arrange a free 15 minute phone consult. My phone number is 512-648-3053, so call or contact me to get started.. Don’t wait another day to start getting your life back!
Take this free quiz to help determine if you are suffering from anxiety.
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