Can We Call It Sex Addiction? What’s in a Name, and How to Treat It.

There has been a lot written about the issue of what is popularly known as sex addiction.  This has been promulgated early on within the addiction and recovery movement, and has more lately been taken up by mainstream media.  While the label floats around and is easily applied to any number of sexual behaviors, there exists no consensus in the therapeutic community about what constitutes sex addiction.  I choose not to use in in my practice not because I don’t believe there is such a thing as sex addiction, it’s just not something I care to diagnose without a clear clinical picture of just what it is.  That being said, I work with men who exhibit what is less commonly known as problem sexual behavior, compulsive sexual behavior, or what Douglas Braun-Harvey and Michael Vigorito refer to as Out of Control Sexual Behavior.

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Suicide Prevention is a Must for Our Country

I wanted to take the opportunity to comment on the latest data from the Center for Disease Control and from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation reporting that the national suicide rate has had a large increase in the last 15 years.  This is especially troublesome considering advances in mental health care and increased focus on individuals who have mental illness and are likely to attempt suicide. The problem is that government funding to help treat and alleviate mental illness has not kept pace with inflation or the increased demands of people who suffer from depression.  Part of the study put her focus on individuals in midlife who attempt suicide. This comes at the same time as many individuals have been displaced due to economic problems in this country. There are abundant ways to help people to prevent suicide if there are early warning signs and appropriate interventions. 

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EMDR and Spirituality

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic model designed to help people overcome traumatic events that have somehow impaired their brain function, mental health, and overall well-being.  In it’s 25 years of existence it has helped innumerable people to live happier, healthier lives.  Something that often goes unrecognized is the spirituality that can complement EMDR and make it more meaningful for the people who benefit from it.

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Why Business Partners May Need Couples Counseling

It is terrific for budding entrepreneurs to come together to pool their talents in forming partnerships, but there are a number of things that need to be considered in doing so.  Two or more people who have alot of energy about developing a product or delivering a service has been one of the major driving forces in our economy for many years, and there can be great synergy involved in the process of getting something like this going. 

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