When you hear the term neuroscience, do you find yourself shutting down and suddenly not paying attention? Do you wonder if brain science is something that could possibly help you in any way? Well, I found a book that will help you tune in instead of tune out.
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One of the biggest issues in the world today is depression. Recently the World Health Organization came out with a finding that depression is the single biggest health issue in the world...the world! It is the most prominent contributor to disability and is a “major contributor to the overall global burden of disease.”
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Do you find yourself wondering if you have depression at this time of year? Depression is one of the most serious mental illnesses that can happen to people at this time of year, and can be worsened by the belief that you ‘should’ be happy and cheerful because if it the holidays.
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One of the most common mental illnesses people across the world suffer from is depression. In fact, the most common emotion among adolescents is depression. Once you are feeling depressed, you might find yourself falling into inactivity and show other signs of depression...
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I wanted to take the opportunity to comment on the latest data from the Center for Disease Control and from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation reporting that the national suicide rate has had a large increase in the last 15 years. This is especially troublesome considering advances in mental health care and increased focus on individuals who have mental illness and are likely to attempt suicide. The problem is that government funding to help treat and alleviate mental illness has not kept pace with inflation or the increased demands of people who suffer from depression. Part of the study put her focus on individuals in midlife who attempt suicide. This comes at the same time as many individuals have been displaced due to economic problems in this country. There are abundant ways to help people to prevent suicide if there are early warning signs and appropriate interventions.
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It is a gentle form of therapy for people who tend to be easily intimidated by typical forms of therapy, such as Exposure Therapy, traditional talk therapy, and even EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). All of these require the client to revisit the event that is troubling them in some degree of detail. Image Transformation Therapy (ImTT) enlists the body to help work through the issue(s) that the mind won’t or can’t get a grasp of. By visualizing a color in the body that represents the trapped pain or fear, it removes the burden of the client to revisit a painful memory or situation and helps to resolve it.
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