Have you ever said or thought “I feel like a zombie today”? If you have, then you’ve gotten an idea about what it is to live with trauma. Whether you suffer from trauma or PTSD or not, you might be interested to know there are some striking similarities between zombies and living with trauma. Read on to find out!
Read moreAn Interview on the Experience of Raising a Child with Autism
This is an interview with Amy Kilpatrick, who is an expert on developmental disabilities, about the experience of raising a child with Autism.
Read moreRead my article "Men and Isolation: A Toxic Combination" I wrote for the Good Men Project!
Am I Polyamorous or Just Addicted to Sex?
Are you someone who tends to have multiple sexual partners, and wonders if this is strange or not? Do you have trouble keeping track of who you are having sex with due to sheer numbers or other factors, like substance use? No matter which of these is the case, you would do well to keep on reading, because it depends which of these questions you may have answered yes to.
Read moreWhat's Sex Got to do With It?
Remember this Tina Turner song? Too many people with relationship problems are too prone to blaming these on sex, but problems with sex are usually just a symptom of general relationship problems that are usually very treatable.
Read moreHelp Your Mental Health by Watching 'Heal' on Netflix
Ever wonder what the connection between mental and physical health is? Have you ever been sick and suddenly felt better after going for a walk or doing some other form of physical activity? Then you have a direct experience of the mind-body connection, and it’s a tremendously important one at that.
Read moreThe Vicious Cycle of Isolation and Sex Addiction
Are you someone who feels like you have to hide your sexual behavior from others, either because you have to or because you feel a lot of shame about it? If you get caught up in lies about what you do and who you do it with, you may very well be suffering from a lot of isolation and addictive sexual behavior without knowing it.
Read moreThe Problem with Emotional Numbness
Are you someone who doesn’t tend to experience emotions very much? If you do, does it tend to be muted and you don’t really get excited about very many things? Do you sometimes wish you could feel joy or happiness more than you do or have in the past? Maybe you aren’t sure what real joy feels like. If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you could be suffering from emotional numbness.
Read moreIs Being a Control Freak a Strength or a Weakness?
Are you someone who others call a control freak? Do you know someone in your family or circle of friends others would call by this name? In either case, reading this blog could give you some key insights into a condition that is widely misunderstood and potentially devastating for those who suffer from it and those who interact with them.
Read moreHow Couples Struggle With the Issue of Porn Use
Do you and your partner not see eye to eye with the issue of porn use? Does your spouse give you a hard time about looking at porn, or even threaten to kick you out of the house because of looking at it? Maybe you’re a spouse who’s about to file for divorce over this issue. In either case, you can benefit from reading more.
Read moreHow Image Transformation Therapy Helps Get Rid of Grief
Are you someone who has experienced a loss and just can’t seem to get past it? Do you wonder how other people can recover from their losses, but you can’t relate to their experience? Do you feel like you’ll never get over your loss(es)? If you are, this post is for you.
Read moreWhat's the Difference Between High Libido and Sex Addiction?
Are you someone who wonders why you seem to want to have sex more than others you know? Do you think you are somehow odd for wanting to have sex as much as you do? Do you wonder if you might have sex addiction or compulsion because of this? If any of these questions pertains to you, this blog post is for you.
Read moreSee my latest blog post on Activities That Help Treat Trauma on the Practice of the Practice website!
Trauma and How Image Transformation Therapy Helps Dissolve It
Have you ever suffered from the memory of an awful event and just wished it would disappear? Have you felt the effects for weeks, months, and years afterwards and thought how great it would be if you didn’t have to deal with it anymore? Well, now there’s a new way to actually make this happen.
Treating Sexual Shame in Group Therapy
Do you suffer from a feeling there is something wrong with you due to your sexual behavior? Does this feeling wash over you in situations and make you want to run and hide? If this is the case with you, you might think attending a therapy group for improving your sexual behavior is the last thing for you. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth.
Read more5 Things You Can Do to Counter Fatigue in Your Life
It’s a new year and you can’t seem to get motivated to get up and make good on any goals or resolutions you set for yourself. You may be suffering from fatigue, which is usually a sign of a larger problem.
Read more5 Things To Do If You're Feeling Suicidal
Have you ever thought about taking your own life? There are so many people who have considered it, and an ever-growing number of those who make this unfortunate choice these days. I have some suggestions to help keep you from becoming a statistic, and hopefully to also turn your life around as well.
Read more5 Reasons Why It's So Hard to Break Sexual Compulsion
Are you someone who finds yourself repeating the same unhealthy sexual behavior even though you know it’s not good to keep doing it? Do you make plans to stop, swear it off, or tell your partner “I’ll never do it again” only to wind up in the same mess time after time? Well, you may very well be dealing with sexual compulsion, and I’ll explain why it can be so hard to break out of it.
Read moreHow Survival Rage Differs From Just Feeling Angry
Are you one of those folks who others talk about having a bad temper? Maybe you’re not and you find yourself getting incensed about current events and how others (or yourself) are being treated and struggle to get out of it without feeling like doing something destructive to others or yourself? If you identify with this last question, you may very well have a problem with survival rage.
Read more5 Ways to Fight Feeling Anxious and Fearful
Are you someone who is continually afraid and anxious? You may not even know what it is you are afraid and anxious about...you just know that you are. If you know what it is you’re anxious about, you struggle because you think you can’t do anything about it. Well, there are some things you can do about it, so read on.