Do you ever wonder why you seem so drawn to sex and can’t seem to feel much else other than lust? Do you feel emotionally numb a good deal of the time also? Does anger seem like a familiar go to feeling as well? If you answered yes to at least two of these questions, then you would do well to read the rest of my blog for this week.
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Do you intend to be free from addictive sexual behavior, but struggle every time that you are triggered? Do you find yourself feeling like a failure every time you give into an addictive behavior, and wonder if you or else will ever fully recover? If you answered yes to either of these two questions, then this week's blog post is for you!
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Are you someone who feels like you are addicted to fantasy sex and struggle to find partners that match your fantasies? Do your sexual fantasies interfere with your real relationships? If you answered yes to either of these two questions, then this week's offering is for you.
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Do you want to stop acting out sexually, but wonder how you can do it when your partner doesn’t want sex as much as you do? Do you sometimes want to blame your problems with sex addiction on your partner because they don’t want to have sex as much as you do? If you answered yes to either one of these questions, then, this blog post is for you.
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Do you ever wonder why you continue to engage in the same self-destructive behavior despite your best intention? Do you often notice a big discrepancy between what you value in life, and then what you wind up doing by undercutting that? Do you often feel mystified by the things you do in contrast to who you know yourself to be? if you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then you are probably dealing with what is commonly known as the shadow. I will attempt to shine some light on the subject in this week's offering.
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Are you intrigued by AI’s possibilities for the future, but find yourself struggling because of its potential for sucking you in with hyper-personalized sexual content? If so, you’re not alone, and I try to shed light on this potentially mind blowing subject in this week's offering. So please read on…
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Do you suffer from syphilis and wonder why you got it? Have you heard about the recent rise in syphilis, and are concerned about what it reveals about our society? If you answered yes to either of these two questions, then I urge you to read on.
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Do you find yourself triggered to dive back into addictive behaviors, almost without a thought? Do you feel like you’re constantly slipping back into old behaviors despite your best intentions? Then read on, because this week's post is for you.
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Do you tend to use substance(s) while you are searching for or having sex? Do you find you need increasing amounts of a substance to get the same ‘bang’ from your sexual experiences? Do you feel remorse for the lengths you’ve gone to get not only a substance, but also for trying to get the sex to go with it? Read on to find out about the cycle you may be caught in, and for how to break it.
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Do you ever turn to sexual behavior in situations where you feel bored or empty, just seeking some kind of positive stimulation? Have you ever engaged in sexual behavior and not even thought about if before doing it? Are you often looking for the next ‘big thrill’ in your sexual exploits because the usual stuff just doesn’t do it for you anymore? If you answered ‘yes’ to most or all of these questions, you may suffer from both ADHD and compulsive sexual behavior. They can tend to go together, and I’ll explain why below.
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Do you sometimes lie regardless of whether it is important to tell the truth or not? Do you tend to have a lot of unnecessary complications in your relationships? Is it hard for you to keep track of the lies you have told to others, and get caught in your lies? If ‘yes’ is your answer to most or all of these questions, you may have a problem with pathological lying.
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Are you someone who knows you suffer from compulsive sexual behavior, but struggles with the idea of having to significantly curtail the amount of sex in your life because of this? Do you feel like committing yourself to a program of recovery means you are doomed to live a life of celibacy? If so, read on because I have some good news for you.
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This month I’m posting a summary of the last of my 5 installments from my most recent book: The 5 Pillars of Addiction Recovery. This month is on Commitment to Recovery. If you waffle about whether recovery is a long-term process, please be sure to read this before you decide for a quick fix.
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Being able to use effective coping skills to overcome addiction issues is perhaps the most important tool of long-term addiction recovery. In my latest blog post highlighting each of the 5 sections of my book The 5 Pillars of Addiction Recovery, I talk about how coping skills fit into the picture.
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Have you ever found yourself reacting to the world around you like a pinball in a pinball machine? When someone acted a certain way to you, you just had some extreme reaction that totally threw you and your day off balance? Or have you found your whole day being thrown off by some unexpected event that rattled you to your core? These all point to the need for structure for safety from addictive behavior, which I covered in Chapter 3 of my book The Five Pillars of Addiction Recovery. Below is a synopsis of this important and indispensable pillar.
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If you are someone who struggles with addiction issues and find yourself mystified by how cunning and baffling your own situation is with your own ‘drug of choice,’ I am presenting my own condensed version of my latest book on the topic: The 5 Pillars of Addiction Recovery. This month’s pillar or installment is about the role of community in overcoming addiction.
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If you are someone who struggles with addiction issues and find yourself mystified by how cunning and baffling your own situation is with your own ‘drug of choice,’ I am presenting my own condensed version of my latest book on the topic: The 5 Pillars of Addiction Recovery. This month’s pillar or installment is understanding your addiction, in particular the recovery process.
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Have you ever wondered if you suffer from sex addiction or not, then been confused by what mental health professionals say about the topic? It’s not just you, it’s the therapeutic community as a whole that is confused by the topic. I will do my best to try and clear up the misinformation to give you a better idea about what you have and what to do about it.
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Are you a person who normally has reasonable spending habits except when it comes to problematic sexual behavior? Have you amassed unwanted credit card or other debt because somehow you don’t have any discipline when it comes to this area? Is your spouse demanding to look at or have control over your credit and spending situation? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then read on.
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There may be nothing more beguiling than feeling like your partner is cheating on you, but not knowing for sure what is going on. They may or may not be gaslighting you or pulling the wool over your eyes, but regardless of this they are probably a mystery to themselves as well. It can be helpful to understand more about them and what you are and are not capable of doing for them.
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